A Hellava Lawsuit!

I am SOOO pissed.

Yesterday when I woke up whenever I blinked or turned my head I got flashes of light. I also had HUGE floaters. After a day in my Optometrist’s office and then the emergency room (where he sent me) it turns out I have Posterior Vitreous Detachment.

The jelly-like fluid inside your eye is called the vitreous. Like Jello stuck to the sides of a bowl, your vitreous sticks to the inside of your eyeball, to the retina and blood vessels that line it. Then one day it tears loose. After that the vitreous flops around inside your eyeball like a Jello shot inside the mouth of a drunken college student in Fort Lauderdale. It tugs on the places it is still attached to the retina producing a sensation of light. It produces floaters which move around a lot since the fucking vitreous isn’t stable anymore. About 15% of the time people get retinal rips so you have to run to the opthamologist so they can patch any so you won’t get complete retinal detachment. And this is NORMAL. It happens to EVERYONE! I’m a few years ahead of schedule but not much.

This isn’t NORMAL!! It’s a fucking DESIGN FLAW!!
And there’s not even a patch for it. No recall. No upgrade! No repair!!
You are just screwed!!
Learn to live with it!!

This CAN’T be RIGHT!!

So much of what happens to your body as you age, the media implies is because you didn’t eat right or exercise right or live right. If you had you would live forever. And they convince you. But Posterior Vitreous Detachment happens to everyone. Living right won’t stop it.

Someone’s to blame!!

I want to sue!!
Think of all the religious organizations from the Catholic Church to the 700 Club to …what are some more names… who claim God designed and made human beings and that they are God’s representatives on earth. Well if that is true, and it doesn’t really have to be true as long as they keep claiming it is, then I want to sue them as God’s representatives. This is God’s fault and God should have to pay. We could get together a hellava class action lawsuit!! Take them and their God for everything they have!!

I’ll show you NORMAL!!


© Alllie 2006

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