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In order to stimulate an active interest in government affairs, to restore TRUST of our government, to foster and perpetuate the idea of FREEDOM and principles of a Democratic Nation and to provide for our people through administration of the highest degree of justice, FAIRNESS and social welfare, do associate ourselves together as an official progressive grassroots organization of Democracy For America.

Join We Democrats!
Contact Us:

We Democrats
Media Development
6155 Flatt Woods Rd.
Simpson, Illinois 62985

If you would like to contribute Please go to our donate page:

We Democrats
Executive Director
Ron McBride
netquest@shawneelink.net or Ron.McBride@hotmail.com


With a war in Iraq gone horribly wrong and a Republican attack machine determined to smear those who speak out.

And when I hear someone assault me verbally about not supporting our troops I get real upset.

First not only do I support our troops, I have a son who is one of those troops.

Next what these do gooder conservative blind men don't seem to get is that the war on terrorism isn't fought in Iraq, its fought everywhere including right here at home.

In view of all the 9-11 hoop-a-la yesterday, you would think that it would be evident that more people have died domestically than in combat in Iraq.

So I say to you idiots that have no idea what you are talking about WE ARE THE TROOPS!

We meaning you, and you and I we are the troops who are everyday making drastic changes in how we do things, making sacrifices that our dubba in Washington cares not to acknowledge unless he can make political hay out of it.

The Republican Party and its candidates are struggling hard to hold on to power in these elections. They'll throw everything they've got at our candidates. Including calling them Nazis and worse if there is anything worse.

Lets all work together, lets all let them know WE ARE THE TROOPS, lets vote Democratic in November and send a clear message to the Bushites everywhere that its no longer business as usual, its time for change, because we the American People have had enough.


Ron McBride
CEO www.USLINX.com
Exec Dir www.WeDemocrats. com


A 50 State Strategy

How Democrats can and will win in every state, every county, and every precinct.

WeDemocrats.com is committed to winning elections at every level in every region of the country, and we're getting started right now with a massive effort to fund organizers on the ground in every state.

The ultimate goal? An active, effective group of WeDemocrats organized in every single precinct in the country. Here's what we're doing to get there:

1. The WeDemocrats.com plans on hiring organizers chosen by the state chapters in every state -- experienced local activists who know their communities.
2. We bring those organizers together for summits where they can learn from each other the best practices for getting organized to win elections.
3. Armed with the knowledge they've shared with each other, WeDemocrats.com organizers return to the states and recruit and train leaders at the local level.
4. Those local leaders recruit more leaders and volunteers until every single precinct in their area has a trained, effective organization of WeDemocrats dedicated to winning votes for Democrats.